Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Grizzly Bear Magazine

Mondo Pen Magazine

Cover layout created in Photoshop, Illustrator and finally in Quark Express. From Quark always remember the file has to be "Exported" as a PDF in order to be opened in Photoshop and saved as a JPEG before posting to the Blogg.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Keys and Stars

The Official Business Card. G. Nelson Enterprises

Project began with me saving a profile picture. After setting the background to a specific color (in Photoshop).Create a path (photoshop) save it (name it) Select the whole picture and copy (Apple +A), ( Apple + C) THEN CREATE A NEW DOCUMENT IN ILLUSTRATOR

The illustrator doc is the size of the business card. THEN PASTE the document you copied in Photoshop.

The program give you two options. Choose fully editable.

From this point work the image, color, add text etc. Once completed then save onto desktop as "eps" file.

Reopen in Photoshop and resave as jpeg file.